Thursday, December 20, 2012

Calvin and Hobbes

This is a "Survival Craft" Calvin.  It looks so funny.  Even, Calvin and Hobbes books are funny.  I spend my rest reading them.  I've got one called "Weirdos from Another Planet."  It is my favorite.  I think it is funny because Calvin is trying to be a menace.  Even, one time I saw a comic of them -- they went in a wagon down a tall hill went off a ramp and went to Mars in outer space! (Laughing).

Aunt Mayme, Aunt Sandy, Miss Katie Beth and Mimi like Calvin and Hobbes too!

This picture is so funny -- Hee hee!  Can you see the underwear with polka-dots??  Even Calvin is naked in his underwear!  He is trying to get his muscles up like a hill!

This is picture of Calvin and Hobbes splashing in a big puddle!  (Splash, splash, splash!)

I hope you enjoyed this post.  Now for the next post.


  1. I loved this post! Mostly because you mentioned me :) But also because Calvin & Hobbes are pretty great. Peter, I love your writing. You should for sure keep blogging because I love hearing from you and I love your jokes. They are funny and great, just like you.

    Also, I voted for Sonic. I love Sonic, but also because I couldn't decide between Mario and Luigi.

    Take care!

  2. Peter, I love Calvin and Hobbes also. It sometimes reminds me of some little Griggs boys I know. I voted for Mario, and will make sure Alex and Aidan vote this afternoon. We all love playing sonic. I miss you. Aunt Sandy
