Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Sonic the Werehog

When I was little, one early Christmas morning, a long time ago I found a big present.  My two brothers and I ripped it open.  Inside, I found a Wii.  This was the most happiest moment of my life.  The next Christmas, I wanted the game called Sonic Unleashed.  It looks like this:

Sonic Unleashed available here.

And you know what?  I received what I wanted!  And the first time I played the first stage, I liked it so much I kept on playing it for probably a year or two.  This little video will show you how Sonic became a Werehog.

Here is my picture of Sonic the Werehog!
Sonic Unleased by Peter, Age 7

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Captain Prank Man and the Invasion of the Internet

Once upon a time, there was a school called Eat Crispy Burgers and Burp and Don't Say Pardon Me.  There was a boy at the school named Jack.  One day, Jack went on an internet site that he was not supposed to go on called  Suddenly, 900 plugs shot out of the computer and a devilish grin appeared on the screen.  Oh no!  It was the Electric Whatever Whatsoever!  The Electric Whatever Whatsoever shot Jack with electric bullets.

 Pyew, pyew, pyew, pyew!

The menacing computer shouted out madly, "My middle name may be Doofus. But, nobody will laugh at me when I take over the world!"  Then everyone gathered around the Electric Whatever Whatsoever and shouted out
"Haaahaaaa Hee hee, Hoooo, Haaaaaa!"

Even the 6th graders joined in too.  The menacing computer grew bigger and bigger.  It made an army of single computers and tried to destroy all technology.  Suddenly, at the army base near the shoe shop, a soldier told the chief, "A giant rubbish technology computer is about to take over a school.  Send in the army and stuff!"

Do you want to know what happened to Jack?  Well, at the last second when the Electric Whatever Whatsoever shot at him he dodged the bullets and called for

"Captain Prank Man!"  but nothing happened.

He shouted again.  "Captain Prank Man! Captain Prank Man!"

Jack heard a flush, and so he ran into one of the boys toilets and saw Captain Prank Man.  He had come into the school through the sewer pipe, but nothing had happened to him.  He was all clean.  Captain Prank Man went outside and ran said, "Hey, I've got an idea."

Meanwhile, Jack ran to the principal and shouted, "Help!  The Electric Whatever Whatsoever is attacking the school and shooting the regular computer that has the funny bunny video from Youtube."

The principal said, "Help!  Somebody get the IT guy to save the funny bunny video."

With a cackle the Electric Whatever Whatsoever shouted "To the computer cave!"  When Captain Prank Man went to the computer cave he dodged the bullets and used his metal cape to shield himself and shoot them back to the Electric Whatever Whatsoever.

Prank Power!  Then, when the menacing computer had to go to the toilet, Captain prank man placed ketchup packets between the toilet seat and the toilet.  When the Electronic Whatever Whatsoever sat down, the packets exploded everywhere.  The ketchup fried the Electronic Whatever Whatsoever's circuits and it crashed to the ground.

Jack cheered for Captain Prank Man and shouted, "I am your biggest fan!"

Voila! We are done.  The End.  

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Captain Prank Man and the Invasion of the Zombie Nerds

Once upon time there was an elementary school called Don't Get an Electric Shock on your Body.  After breaktime, something was odd with the children's teachers even the 6th grade teacher.  Their goggling eyes were rolling around.  They held their hands out straight and they walked slowly and they said, "Let's eat your juicy brains!"  The teachers had turned into Zombie Nerds, and they were wearing bow ties.  All the children screamed and ran (even the 6th graders).

The children ran to the principal and said, "Help!  The teacher Zombie Nerds just attacked our classrooms and ate up half a table of cupcakes."  The principal shouted, "Help!  Somebody save the other cupcakes!"

The principal shouted so loud it cracked up every body's ears (even the 6th graders.)  He yelled, 

"This looks like a job for Captain Prank Man!"   

Crash!  Captain Prank Man landed on the roof.  "Now, I'll teach those teacher Zombie Nerds a lesson" he said.  Then, Captain Prank Man stole all of the elastic pants in the world (even China) and he made a big pant elastic sword.  The battle began ....

Hiya!  Weee Yah!  Dooo doooo! Pow! Whack!

Captain Prank Man saved the school, but the principal had to hire new English teachers, Maths teachers, Spanish teachers and even a new 6th grade teacher.  He also had to hire a new principal.  He decided he was too old for the job.

Now for the massively funny ending ....

In every land of the world, even China, everybody had their their trousers falling down and they were wearing red polka dot underwear with yellow on the background on them, even the 6th graders.

The End!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Captain Underpants

If you have seen the Adventures of Captain Underpants, you might be dying to read those epic novels.  There are 12 epic novels.  Captain Underpants is usually a crabby, rotten, rubbish elementary school principal named Mr. Krupp.  He is the principal of Jerome Horwitz elementary.  When you are around Mr. Krupp and you snap your fingers he turns into Captain Underpants, and when Captain Underpants gets water on his head he turns back into Mr. Krupp.

  There are 4 main characters and there 10 villains.  My favorite villain is Wedgie Woman.  

George and Harold have been making many comic books.  They always misspell some words and they have almost pretty good artwork.  My favorite thing about these epic novels is that they always have "flip-o-rama" pages that look like cartoons when you flip the pages.  There was a chapter that the book said I wasn't supposed to look at.  When I looked at it, there were cops and they had to give me 11 spankings.  I thought this was funny.


Sunday, February 17, 2013

Shrink Ray Island

My project is about Shrink Ray Island.  Shrink Ray Island is on Poptropica.  If you want to go there, click here.  There is one game called Shrink Shot.  I like it because you are shrinked in a room and there are prizes you can win and there are 3 prizes that you can win if you have a membership.  If you are bored, click on the link I have posted and you will be at Poptropica.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Calvin and Hobbes

This is a "Survival Craft" Calvin.  It looks so funny.  Even, Calvin and Hobbes books are funny.  I spend my rest reading them.  I've got one called "Weirdos from Another Planet."  It is my favorite.  I think it is funny because Calvin is trying to be a menace.  Even, one time I saw a comic of them -- they went in a wagon down a tall hill went off a ramp and went to Mars in outer space! (Laughing).

Aunt Mayme, Aunt Sandy, Miss Katie Beth and Mimi like Calvin and Hobbes too!

This picture is so funny -- Hee hee!  Can you see the underwear with polka-dots??  Even Calvin is naked in his underwear!  He is trying to get his muscles up like a hill!

This is picture of Calvin and Hobbes splashing in a big puddle!  (Splash, splash, splash!)

I hope you enjoyed this post.  Now for the next post.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Christmas in Finland

 Finland has a very peaceful Christmas.  Many in different other land do different things for Christmas.  Even I know so much stuff about Christmas in USA.  And even let's see:  peace, love, and show care.  And that's all the stuff I know about Christmas in USA.  Well, Finland is very close to Newcastle and United Kingdom.   Even we celebrate so much that we pray about the shepherd Lord of God, heaven.  We show him love and care and peace.  And we don't be mean to the darkness.  We be nice to our enemies.  We don't be mean to the Lord.  We show our mom and dad the true love.  WHAT DOES KING TUT SAY WHEN HE'S SCARED?  I WANT MY MUMMY! (JOKE)  NOW I'M GOING TO TELL YOU ABOUT CHRISTMAS IN FINLAND (MOM'S VOICE).  IN FINLAND THEY DO LOTS OF COOL STUFF FOR CHRISTMAS.  THEY CELEBRATE ABOUT MANY THINGS.  HALLOWEEN, EASTER, um let's see.  Ooh, ooh, I have an idea.  March.

In Finland they do the declaration of Christmas peace, and people who break the peace can get in big trouble.  They also decorate their trees with fruit, candles and candy.  Looks tasty!

This tree is very brightful.  Can you see the fruit and candy?  No, because there isn't any on this one.  It must not be a traditional Finnish tree!  Actually, you can't see the fruit and candy because of the lights!

In Finland, it is traditional to bring candles to the graves of relatives on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, which is very nice.  Look at this picture :-).

Well, I hope you have enjoyed this project.  Oh, and by the way, Finnish people clean their houses a lot for Christmas.  So, you better get to work!  By: Peter Ellis Griggs